Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Random thoughts from the last couple of days

Yesterday was a catch-up day.  We got some maintenance work done on the trucks, each of us did laundry, picked up some odds and ends supplies and kind of chilled.  Today started with a trip to the airport to pick up Don Hayworth from Kansas.  Don's a great guy, I went on tour with him a couple years ago and he's a lot of fun to tour with.  

This evening we went to a car show in Plainfield (I learned something about this town a couple days ago but I'm probably going to sit on that news) that was, well, interesting.  They set us up next to the kids from School of Rock (a movie that always makes me laugh.  It's not quite Shawshank, where I HAVE to watch it when I stumble across it, but I like it) and they were really awesome.  The crowd disappointed me, but the kids didn't seem to mind so...

Also while at the car show, I ran in to one of the coppers from DG and his family.  I shamelessly harassed him and urged his kids to tell him they wanted hats and shirts from us.  It worked.  Thanks Todd!

Since I'm feeling a distinct lack of snark in the above couple of paragraphs, let me try this.

I was watching the news this morning and two things caught my attention.  

1.) While discussing the prison break of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the newscaster referenced statement from Mexican authorities who said, and I quote, "El Chapo must've had help."

Really?  You mean he didn't excavate and remove over 3,000 tons of dirt to dig a tunnel from his cell to an abandoned house a mile away all by himself?  Huh.  Help.  Gosh, I wonder what alerted them to that?

2.) While discussing the storms that swept through Illinois yesterday and last night, it was reported that a greenhouse was damaged by hail.

Let me say that one again.

A greenhouse was damaged by hail.




Have you ever heard the expression "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"?  Now, I know it's a metaphor and not a literal statement, but to me, a greenhouse getting damaged by hail is not the kind of thing that I expect to hear on a major market news outlet.  How is that news?  Why not report a story about people aging every year?  Or people driving cars on streets?  I've traveled around a lot of the country with the PHT and I've watched some small town news stations that really make me shake my head.  And I always thought to myself how fortunate I was to get my news from a city like Chicago.  

I may have to rethink that one...

Tomorrow we're out of our casino hotel (I fought the temptation) and off to Bartlett for an event.  Three nights in Elgin with an event there on Friday.  

OK, I've sat on this long enough.  As it turns out Plainfield was a gathering point of sorts for the Klan back in the day. This was brought to my attention by one of my loyal readers who grew up in the area and told me that there were "incidents" as recently as the 1990's.  I had no idea.  

Don't get me wrong, I don't really know anyone from there, and with the way the population has exploded (according to Wikipedia from 4,500 in 1990 to 13,000 in 2000 to over 37,000 in 2007. Based on estimates created by the village and state government, Plainfield's population could grow to 62,000 by 2030 ) I'm sure there are many fine residents now, heck it's even the home of Melissa McCarthy, but still.  That's, like, two things that have shaken my faith in the Chicago metropolitan area in the last few days...

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I need to find more snark.


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