Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Any of you poor souls that followed my scribbling on tour last year may recall my references to "A Streetcar Named Desire" the famous play by Tennessee Williams and, in particular the character Blanche Dubois and her assertions that -

"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers"

Welcome to the Pink Heals Tour version 2013

This year's theme is apparently "National Lampoon's Not For Profit Organization"

We had to reschedule an event we (read I) originally set up for yesterday due to logistics/scheduling/housekeeping issues.  Once those items were squared away, we had some idle time.

Enter John and Vickkkkkki.

And a large, Arkansas-based, super mega global, "if you need to buy it we've got it here", look out below small business owners (no endorsement opportunities needed) shopping experience.

This adventure started in McHenry.  Vickkkki and I took John to the local large, Arkansas-based, blah, blah, blah so he could look for copies of "his" movie to buy so he can sign them and give them to people. 

For real.

So, the nice ladies there, after about an hour (an hour which btw included Vickkkki and I digging through the $5 DVD bin looking for copies of said movie sigh), ordered 16 copies of the DVD "Twister" and donated 8 more copies and had them shipped to another of their stores down by here.

And so we enter the "National Lampoon" portion of our show...

Four and a half hours later, they came back.  With tales of purchases and subsequent returns, trafic jams stretching as far as the eye can see, wrong turns and missed turns.

And 24 copies of the movie "Twister"

I think we need to schedule a screening. 

Quick PHT factoid - at one time, our guy, John Rhyne, was the highest paid actor working in Oklahoma. 

Let that one sink in for a bit.

I'm not making any of this stuff up either. 

I think tomorrow I'm going to dust off "Meet Your 2013 Pink Heals Tour Drivers".  Tere should be plenty of ammo, I mean info by then. 

Depending on how the morning goes, I think I'm taking the kids on a field trip downtown today...

Wish me luck...

Pink Heals!


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