Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Aaaand we're slowing down...

Maintenance day yesterday.

June, the pink SUV (she's new to the tour this year) needed some minor stuff done to her (don't we all?) so Vickki (that's NOT misspelled, she really spells her name that way) took her to a local (for real, that's how she spells it) Ford dealer that (I know, right?  Too many "k's") one of our contacts (she's from south Texas, that's all I'm gonna say about that) hooked us up with.  If I knew who it was I'd thank him.

So, before we left McHenry (once home to the #1 arm-wrestler in the world, and I'm not even making that up) we needed to secure lodging for three nights before we set up our base camp for the first two weeks of August (more to come on that later) which meant we hung out at the hotel for a couple more hours.  Along with several Little League teams from various parts of the globe. 

Like these guys, from Puerto Rico, here demonstrating what they think of both the Pink Heals Tour and how they'll finish their tournament.  Loud, but polite kids.

So after multiple phone calls, texts and emails we found a place to land thanks to some friends of the program.  One, a local elected official who shall remain nameless because I didn't seek permission to use said person's info yet and two, Becky Nelson from the Downers Grove Chamber of Commerce.  Becky, I told you this yesterday on the phone and I'll tell you here today on the interwebz... YOU RAWK!!!  A couple semi-frantic phone calls on my part to these two people resulted in three rooms for three nights at the Marriott Suites in Downers.  Simply amazing!

So, while Vickki (I swear it's right) sat at the Ford shop, John, Dave and I shuttled the girls down from McHenry to Downers Grove (birthplace of such dignitaries as Emo Phillips and Randy "MACHO MAN" Savage) and we managed to do it without utilizing the wonderful Illinois Toll Road System.  Instead, by using state roads we not only saved $20 in tolls, we got free kidney massages driving through numerous construction zones. Hooray us!

Now, don't get me wrong.  I love the town I work in.  I genuinely do.  I recognize what it has allowed me to do for my family and the support I've received over the years in my various projects.  But I've never, NEVER, been happier to pull into DG than I was yesterday.  Holy moley I don't think my butt will ever recover...

And then, after our trip in, John was in need of a little TLC.  He's been fighting migraines the last couple days.  Since I know people here, I escorted him over to our local Level 1 Trauma Center and had him checked out.  I told him I wouldn't take any embarassing pictures...

I lied.

We spent three hours of quality time in the ER, John got a reasonably clean bill of health (it's naaaht a tumah) and after Vickkkkkkki (OK, that might be a few too many k's) picked us up, I took those two out for dinner.  Chicago-style hot dogs woohoo!!!
Cultural dining, it's what I do.
Still no edition of "Meet Your Pink Heals Tour Driver" I'm banking stories...
Pink Heals


  1. Hey Joel I always love reading things from your point of view.

    1. Thanks Leonard, glad to help get you warmed up for the tour!
