Friday, September 14, 2012

Day whatever it is (I don't want to turn this into "NIghtline")

Here we are... 

I've been home for almost a week now, trying to settle back into the non-road routine.  I still miss being on tour, still miss being with those guys, but it's good to be back home.  I miss the knuckleheads (an ABSOLUTE term of endearment) at work (most of them were off Wednesday when I went back, are they trying to tell me something?) and can't wait to see them all again.  

I wanted to go back out (still do) and I was looking at the first week or 10 days of October, but my real-life calendar wouldn't allow it.  Work commitments, home commitments and the like.  

Stuff happens.

I was really looking forward to it too, SoCal to PHX had a nice vibe to it, travel-wise.  Dave also talked about trying to put together a "town hall meeting" tour this winter.  Traveling across the south for 6 or 8 weeks meeting with small groups of people to explain what we want to accomplish with this movement.  He said he's not sure if he'll be up for going back on the road like that in between this year's tour and next year's.  It's quite a grind, especially for him being out from start to finish.  I want to be a part of that, in addition to going on tour next year and trying to start a chapter here.  I think the experience of going out and sitting in on, and speaking to, groups like that would be invaluable for me.

As people have asked me about my experience on tour, I always tell them the Baltic, SD story.  The one about the couple on the motorcycle.  Here now, to enhance that story, thanks to my guy Mike from FL, is a picture of the lady with the sign.  It's a little blurry and a tad distorted due to raindrops on the window, but you can see and read the sign pretty well...

Cool, no?

***Teaser Alert***

I have one more (at least one more) tour related post coming up here, hopefully tomorrow, but as soon as I get the ok.  I just got a sneak peak of it a little bit ago and it turned out really nice.  Waiting for final approval from the authority types, but once they ok it, I'll write a little something and post a link.  

I think regular readers (both of you) will enjoy it.  

Off to do real life type stuff for now, as always...

Pink Heals!


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