This just in...
"I can relate to ducks" has learned that an event has been scheduled at a local mall here in Idaho Falls for this morning!
Our sources tell us a guerrilla marketing approach will once again be employed to, again, ask why the women of this community aren't shown more respect, especially those fighting such an insidious disease as cancer.
This is, for me, both good and bad...
Good for, well, the obvious reasons (have you even BEGUN reading this humble, little, blog yet?) and bad, because, well, we're not in Watertown anymore.
I have to do my own laundry. I have no clean tour t-shirts (not a huge problem, there's a bus full of tour shirts, many in my size)
I'm currently going "commando"...
Sorry to drop that little gem on you so early in the day, but I believe in open, honest communications.
First cup of coffee half way down, I'm going after the laundry.
Pink Heals!
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