Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Let's see if I can knock this out before work...

I spent the night at the firehouse last night.  That's not too uncommon.  I mean, besides the one-out-of-three nights I'm here regularly.  I mean, depending on what I'm doing and when I'm doing it, it sometimes makes more sense for me to stay here vs. driving an hour plus home, getting up at 5:00 AM and driving an hour plus back.  Especially with fuel prices over $4 a gallon.

I was in town last night for a Village Council meeting.  In the (almost) 20 years I've been employed here in beautiful west suburban Chicago (home to some of the reddest of the red... Ahhh story for another time) I've probably attended three Council meetings.

Maybe four.

At any rate, not many.

But last night was a little different.  In recognition of the Pink Heals Tour coming to town, we asked that a proclamation be read into the record.  One proclaiming August 23rd to be "Cares Enough to Wear Pink" day in our fair village.  And since I was kinda the one pushing for this stuff, I figured it'd be nice if I could drag my happy butt to the council meeting to see the proclamation being read.

And it was.  Is.  Will be.  Proclaimed, that is.  You get the picture.  

So since I woke at 4:30 this morning (don't ask, I don't know why) and had a little time on my hands (especially since one of the side effects of staying here is I get to sleep a little later...) I started thinking (subtly ironic, no?) about tomorrow (I mean the whole no sleep thing, not the me thinking thing) and what we're trying to accomplish with the tour stop.   And as I perused (an underused word, in my opinion) my Twitter feed I saw video from yesterday's stop in Joliet, IL (and if you don't follow ThePinkfiretrucks on YouTube, you should) and I knew I couldn't say anymore eloquently what it is we do on tour.  Kudos to Matt and Sandy for doing a great job getting the message out to their community!  As I said a few days ago we're doing a home visit.  We'll also take part in events at Good Sam and at Cheeseburger in Paradise.  

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning...

Like I said, I'll do my best to keep you all (all four of you) up-to-date on where in the world (or at least, the upper Midwest) I go while on tour.  For now, it's 5 minutes til the "wake up" tones go off and I start getting ready for work.

Pink Heals.


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