Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3 (Did I mention I love this stuff?)

What a day. 

We left Rockford this morning, around 7:00 AM headed north.  We crossed the Cheddar Curtain into Wisconsin "HELLO WISCONSIN!" (I always wanted to do that) and got escorted by highway patrol and a motorcycle club all the way into Mukwonago (common spelling) where we gathered more bikers and meandered along through the countryside until we finally got to Delafield at around noon.  As we pulled into town on the main street (not Main Street, but the main street, there's a difference oddly enough), we were met by people on both sides of the street cheering and clapping for us.  It was quite the reception.  And if I can get a little bandwidth I'll upload the pictures...

Moving right along.

We settled in briefly at a street fair type event.  John from OK and I put on the pink turnout gear and worked our magic on the crowd.
What can I say, I've been taught well.

After 45 minutes or so, two of the trucks, Me in Tonya and John in Leslie, went off to do some hospital visits.  My first stop was at an assisted living facility and the little old ladies there loved me, if I do say so myself.  I met Mae, Joan, Betty and several others, all of them very sweet.  And to steal a line from the Chick Magnet, they all dug me.  And again, if my bandwidth issues resolve I'll post photos...

But apparently photos tonight are not meant to be, sigh.

Wait, this just in... TAH DAH!!!

Joan was kind of a rascal...


From the assisted living place, we went to Oconomowoc (Chippewa for "there's trees everywhere") Medical Center for a brief appearance at their Cancer Center.  There I met several nice people and had a lovely piece of chocolate cake.  Actually two but who's counting.  Had my picture taken with various hospital type dignitaries and met a young lady who, when I told her I worked in Downers Grove said, and I quote "AAAHHHHHHH I"M FROM THERE!!!!!"  She grew up around 75th and Fairview (Darien, technically but hey) and thought it was very cool I was from there.  Did I mention I had a lovely piece of chocolate cake?  Well, two, but you know...

Drove back to Delafield, watched Flight for Life entertain for a bit, then repositioned and chatted with a few random survivors, had them sign Tonya and eventually rejoined the rest of the guys at the street fair.  I hate to repeat myself, but I just can't get over how nice the people here have been.  I had several people come by, both survivors and folks that wanted to sign in memory of someone, and I did my best to accomodate them.  One of the young girls that came by when John and I were dressed up earlier (see above ^^^) came back with a friend of hers and we had a really nice chat.  I told them all about going on tour and explained to them my theory on the way people should sign.  Which is...

I feel like these trucks are incredibly important to the people that get the chance to see them.  I don't feel the space on them should be wasted.  In my opinion, the people that sign should realize the importance of what they do and the impact it can have.  So I tell people-
"when I give you this pen, you'll become a nationally recognized author, because these trucks travel all over the country.  So three weeks from now, when they're in California or where ever they may be, some person is going to be looking at it.  Maybe they're having a really hard day, chemo is kicking their butt, they're losing their hair, or any multitude of reasons.  But when they see the message of hope you write today, maybe they'll think 'I can get through this today' .  And it'll be because they drew strength from you."

I ended the street fair putting the pink turnout gear and an air pack on and walking around getting my picture taken with little kids.  A great way to end the day.

Tomorrow we're off to Milwaukee (Chippewa for "what did you step in?") where we'll visit Children's Hospital.

Pink Heals!


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