Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 4 (in case you hadn't heard, I love this stuff)

Today has been a little more low key compared to the first three days.  That's both good and bad. 

It's good because it's been nice to walk to a nearby super mega-global Pacific Northwest based coffee-based beverage location (endorsements opportunities available if they're listening) for a vanilla laaaaattttay (say that in a Forrest Gump voice for full effect) and make an entry here before 9:00 PM. 

It's bad because, as you may have determined from the title, I love this stuff, and as the kids say, it harshes my buzz, when I can't do it. My kids don't say that, but I'm sure somebody's kids say it.  I enjoy the interaction with people.  I enjoy the feeling that I'm doing something nice for someone that I've never met.  I also enjoy teaching new and colorful words to my fellow Pink Healers when somebody cuts me off on the expressway. 

But I digress.

So today we made a brief appearance at a place that offers support services to women in Waukesha (Chippewa for "it gets cold here in the winter") County and then went in to a very under-appreciated city, Milwaukee (Chippewa for "I don't get no respect") and the Children's Hospital.  Two of the guys got dressed up in pink turnout gear and went upstairs to visit some kids with cancer.  They said it went really well, but it was difficult for some of the guys.  We, as firefighters, spend a good portion of our careers de-personalizing what we do.  If you don't, you'll find something in almost everyone you encounter that reminds you of someone you care about.  And that will make you crazy.  But sometimes, it's not easy to do.  A lot of us can't block it out when we deal with kids.  And that took a small toll on the guys today.  It's very emotional.

So, while they were upstairs, four of us stayed down by the engines and took pictures, answered questions and found people that wanted to sign.  And that's how I met Hailey and her Mom.  They were both very sweet and Hailey is just as cute as a button.  She comes to Childrens for treatement for her cancer, and they were leaving when we met.  I talked to them and asked Hailey if she'd like to sign a pink fire truck and she said she would.

I thought that was perfect.  As they walked away, I tried to take a picture of them, in keeping with my practice of trying to keep things somewhat private, but they were too quick.  So I ran after them and I talked to Mom, asked if I could take their picture and explained why.  She very graciously said yes but as I thought it over this afternoon, even though it's a really nice picture of them and even though Mom said it was ok, I decided it would be better, in this case at least, to let them keep their privacy. 

After that we went to Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers, for lunch.  There's a TGIFridays just over the left field wall.  It was pretty cool, as seen below...

That was the view from our table.

Now we've got down time til 6:00 PM, when we're invited to the firehouse for a dinner in our honor.  Once again, I have to say, these people in Delafield have been awesome. 

The latest plan is leave Delafield in the morning and drive to Madison (Chippewa for "Madison"), a shopping center I think, for about an hour before we head off to Mason City, IA and our next stop.

Pink Heals!


1 comment:

  1. This one brought tears to my eyes. I think what you and all the other guys are doing is awesome and I am sorry I didn't get to see you in Rockford. Keep spreading the love Dad. You rock!
