Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Well, here we are.  And by "we" I mean, of course "me" but you get the picture.  I hadn't really considered getting to this point back in November 2013, but time does what it does and so...

For those of you that haven't kept up with the rest of the class, November 2013 is when the Great Vincenzo and I brought Leslie from Houston, TX to the greater Downers Grove, IL area.  Leslie, in case you didn't know, is a pink fire engine.

She's a 1989 E-One Hush pumper, or, she was in a previous life.  She has been a part of the Pink Heals family since 2012 and has seen parts of both coasts and (since November 2013) a good portion of the Midwest.  That's when several of us started the "Chicagoland" chapter of Pink Heals.  In that time we've done countless home visits (ok, maybe not "countless" but I'm not going to sit here and try adding them up.  Let's just say we've done a lot) and multiple other events, trying to put a smile on the face of someone going through a bad time health wise.

I've been involved with this fine organization since 2011.  I wrote about my adventures out on the road with the National Tour a lot, if you check out the archives over >>>>>> here, in 2012 and 2013 you can get a good idea of the fun we had and the people we met.  Also, after exhaustive (not really) research, I've discovered my all-time favorite PHT picture is not commemorated in any blog posts...  I now have a sad.  Sigh.

Well THAT was an odd little detour.  I'll blame it on hunger.  Yeah, that's it.

So, to the reason for this post.

In November 2013 it never occurred to me that Leslie would ever be housed anywhere but DuPage County.  I mean, it's a well populated area and with my numerous Fire Department (and non-Fire Department) contacts from working there for 24+ years, I figured she'd always have a home there.  But, as the time for me to retire inched closer and I started looking in earnest for someone to take her over, I realized the number of people with the availability and/or the required time commitment were few and far between.  And I get that, I really do.  I learned a long time ago, not everyone has the same level of interest in any given thing.  I don't take it personally and I don't hold grudges.  But, I can't just let something like Leslie fall by the wayside either.  I've seen first hand how much of an impact she can have on someones mental health, at least for the short term.

So I started thinking of suitable homes for her.  And the first thing that popped into my head was this. The Rock Falls/Sterling/Dixon/Morrison area has done an amazing job of supporting both Leslie and the National Tour for the last several years.  They get what we're doing and they embrace it fully.

So, I reached out to some folks I know out there.  And after a few conversations, they're thrilled to be getting Leslie.  As much as it saddens me to take her out of an area with so much need, it helps to know there are three other chapters within an hour of DuPage County and all are really good at what they do.

And so, finally, to the point of this little literary adventure.

Last fall, while returning from the last (good timing) home visit of the season, Leslie's motor blew.  Technically, she dropped six fuel injectors, but the end result is what it is.  She's been sitting at a repair shop over the winter while we scrambled, trying to find funding to get her up and running.  My feelings on running a non-profit is, as long as we've got enough to go out the door, we're ok.  And that philosophy works fine, by and large.

But when you're faced with a major, unexpected repair, well, not so much.

So, to that end and after much debate, we've decided the best way to raise the $6,000.00 we're looking at in repairs is to set up a Go Fund Me page for Leslie.  Just click on the link and you'll head over to her page where you can (if you like) donate any amount.  And by "any amount" I truly mean "any amount".  As in, no amount is too small.

I fully recognize economic uncertainty.  I also recognize, and I hope you do too, that more and more people are falling through the cracks of society and furthermore that those cracks are getting larger and larger.

Leslie is very good at helping people through those moments.  We're hoping that right now, you'll be good at helping Leslie through this moment.

Thanks so much for any help you can provide.


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