Monday, July 4, 2016

Megan Jean

Let's see if I can't knock this one out quickly, I'm on my way out the door to go walk in a parade for candidate for elected office.

Regular readers may recall the kick off to this series of posts about some of the girls that Caitlin was close to.  Last night, I had the distinct honor and extreme pleasure to attend the wedding of Megan and Brian.  

What a wonderful evening!

It started with a hug in the parking lot from Sara (note the absence of an "H") another of Caitlin's good friends.  We ended up parking next to each other and walked in to the venue together.  Once inside (side note, I was NOT late, yay me) I took a seat on the bride's side and watched as the wedding party proceeded in.  Sarah (with an "H"), Dalmy and Melissa were all members of the wedding party and as I watched them file past, it felt so amazing to watch them all.

And then, Megan came in, on the arm of her Dad.  Now, if you know me IRL, you know I'm kind of a sap for emotional moments.  It's a part (ok, it's a large part) of who I am.  Anyway, I kind of prepared myself for the emotion of watching Meg walk in.  It's sometimes difficult at special events like this to not wonder "what if" you know?  But I was ready for it and managed to keep my stuff together throughout the ceremony.  It was very sweet.  Brief too fwiw, lol.  So as we all filed past the happy couple, after getting a chance to say hi and get hugs from Dalmy and her husband John (also with an "H"), Mel and her husband Yaseen and Sarah her sweetie Chris (he's got an "H" too) (what the hell, I'm on a roll) I saw another friend of Caitlin's, Shannon and her husband.  Shannon btw is running for a judgeship err I mean to attain judgeosity uhhh she's running in an election to be a judge.


So as I got up to congratulate Megan and Brian, still keeping my stuff together, Meg got a little teary eyed.  That didn't help any, lol.  However as I walked away, I was fully composed and feeling rather pleased with myself.

Till I started talking to Sarah again.  Sarah asked if I'd seen the bridesmaids bouquets?

No, why?

Megan had made a special addition to them.

When we moved into the house in Wondertucky (not it's real name) back in March 2003 Diane and Caitlin started talking about decorating the house.  Caitlin was very fond of animal prints and wanted to use that as the theme for her room.  Of course, she never got the chance to do that.  Even though Diane did decorate it that way eventually, Caitlin never saw it.  As a result of Caitlin's fondness for leopard, cheetah and another other pertinent animal prints, her friends all wore leopard print ribbons during graduation to honor her.  We also included that into the first few W5kfC t-shirts.  So, when Sarah told me about seeing the bouquets for the first time, I lost it.  Only a little, I don't think anyone other than Sarah saw or heard me, but it was just such a sweet thing for Meg to do and so very touching that I couldn't help it.

I'm going to move this right along since I'm at the coffeehouse and I can still feel the emotion.  Plus I'm getting close to "Holy crap, I've got to go" time.

Megan, like I told you last night, I wish a lifetime of peace and happiness to you both.  I'm so grateful you thought enough of me to include me.  And I really do think that ribbon is one of the sweetest things I've seen in a long time.

Last pic before I go; Dalmy, Sarah, Mel and I mugging for the camera-

I love you guys!


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