Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The girls volume IV

And you thought I forgot...

This is starting to feel like the Rocky series of movies.  First there was the original where the characters (and I do mean characters) were introduced.  Then came the sequel where the plucky hero (heroine) gets his (her) just reward.  After the success of the sequel, well, you know what comes next, right?  ANOTHER SEQUEL!  Because, why not?

And who am I to mess with a successful(?) formula?


I have probably seen less of Ashley in the last 13 (Jesus, 13 years already) years than I have of the other girls.  And that's a shame since we probably have more in common.  She's an ER nurse at a busy NW suburban Level II type Trauma Center, so we can always discuss disgusting anatomical "events" without batting an eye.  We also share a fondness for a certain Northside, National League baseball team (I'm not naming names here but *cough Dalmy! cough*) and the local National Football League (*cough Sarah! cough*) team so there's that too.  Although I must say, the non-believers in the group are not without their charms, sporting team decisions notwithstanding.

Life, being what it is, means we don't always have the chance to hang with those we'd like to.  Ashley has two adorable little guys and a lovely husband as the main focus of her life and that's as it should be.

This is probably the really nice thing about social media.  Because, quite honestly, I had forgotten today was Ashley's day until I saw it posted this morning.  I should have remembered it too, since it's just one day before what would have been Caitlin's 31st.  I think, as much as anything, letting go of Walk 5k for Caitlin sort of pushed us all off into our own worlds full time.  We always knew we'd see each other for one weekend a year, but since that's been gone, well, our excuse for getting together went with it.  And, with one of my favorite Packer fans living out-of-state now, it's that much harder to get together.

I guess what I'm trying to say here, what with my feelings for the girls, on top of the anniversary tomorrow, on top of the most recent news out of Florida, is this.

Love the people you love.

And tell them you love them.


For no reason whatsoever.

At any random time you wish.

Brief side track...  After we stopped W5kfC, the Oldest One made a concerted effort to push Random Acts of Kindness on Caitlin's birthday as a way to commemorate our favorite Blond child.  Tomorrow is the day.  Do something nice for someone; for no reason other than it's a nice thing to do.

And if anyone asks you why you're doing it, tell them it's for Caitlin.

Ashley, I hope you had the best day possible today.  I love you forever.


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